James Michael Hare

James Michael Hare

...hare-brained ideas from the realm of software development...
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Welcome to my blog! I'm a Sr. Software Development Engineer in the Seattle area, who has been performing C++/C#/Java development for over 20 years, but have definitely learned that there is always more to learn!

All thoughts and opinions expressed in my blog and my comments are my own and do not represent the thoughts of my employer.

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Little Wonders

Little Wonders


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

C#/.NET Little Wonders Anthology

The following is the complete anthology of Little Wonders, Pitfalls, and Presentations.  

Enjoy!  A new little puzzler will be coming out this week.

The C# 6 Little Wonders

The Original C#/.NET Little Wonders Trilogy

The C#/.NET Little Wonder Sequels

The Visual Studio Little Wonders

The C#/.NET Concurrent Little Wonders

The C#/.NET Little Pitfalls

The C#/.NET Little Wonders and Little Pitfalls Presentations




The C#/.NET Fundaments: Of Lambdas and LINQ Presentation



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Posted On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 11:13 AM | Comments (3) | Filed Under [ My Blog C# Software .NET Little Wonders Little Pitfalls ]

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Amazon.com Recruiting Event Coming to St. Louis in April

Hey all my friends and readers in the St. Louis area, my team from Amazon is heading to St. Louis to do an in-person hiring event in April!

Have you always wanted to work in a place that hires and develops the best?  That lets builders be builders?  That has excellent benefits and salary/bonuses?  That has a clear technical path all the way from entry-level developer to architect and beyond?

If you're a developer who loves to solve problems and learn new skills, and be in an environment that encourages you to learn and grow, this is a great opportunity.

We will be there in the last week of April (I'll send more information when I know more).  Let me know if you are interested in an interview while we are there and I'll get you in contact with recruiting.


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Posted On Wednesday, March 23, 2016 11:02 AM | Comments (0) | Filed Under [ My Blog C# C++ .NET Little Puzzlers Technology CSharp ]

Monday, November 30, 2015

Yes, I'm still alive...

Hey folks, I know a lot of you have been tweeting and commenting on my lack of posts lately.  Believe me I want to keep going as well.

It's been a bit busy coming back during peak season here at my new job, so I haven't had the time to devote to it as I'd like.  I will try to get the Little Puzzlers flowing again soon!

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Posted On Monday, November 30, 2015 10:29 AM | Comments (1) |

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Life in Motion

Just as an update.  We've recently moved back to the Pacific Northwest and have been mostly busy after work with unpacking and getting the house in order.  More Little Wonders and Little Puzzlers are on the way, though!
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Posted On Thursday, September 17, 2015 9:26 AM | Comments (0) |

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wonky RSS Feed

Hey folks, many of you have complained about the wonky RSS feed.  Yes, it is still a problem and I'm looking at it.

It appears as if my feed is getting re-published to different sources, which explains why folks are seeing multiple copies of my post, each with a different source URL.

I'm going to check with my blog hosting company to see if there's a reason this is happening on their end.

Thanks so much for your patience!

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Posted On Tuesday, September 1, 2015 2:52 PM | Comments (2) |

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